ahaja Yoga meditation is very simple. After the self-realization Sahaja yogis meditate in the morning and, if possible, even at night. 10 minutes each are Berits sufficient because the Kundalini is like a catalyst that each meditation "efficient" makes amazing.
Sahaja Yoga Meditation in means hassle-free stay in inner dedication to his Kundalini and their rise, their work. In addition, there are a number of so-called "treatments" which can be effectively enhanced by simple exercises, the energy states of the chakras and nadis. An important prerequisite for meditation in Sahaja Yoga is the establishment of the thought-free awareness
In Sahaja Yoga meditation helps us to deepen our union with the divine. It is important to understand that meditation is a state but no action. On a subtle level, we can achieve this state by the force of our desire, our yearning for truth and love of God.This desire is very strong when it comes from the heart. When he has consolidated and combined with dedication and humility, we can very quickly get into the state of freedom of thought and meditation.
Kundalini Awakening: The basis of meditation
Since ancient times, the healing and spiritually supportive forces of the kundalini is known. As for maternal energy-it is their job to heal, nourish, protect, and their "child" to accompany its evolution.

The mother Kundalini works holistically. Their forces have a positive impact on our physical, mental-emotional, spiritual and mental and spirutuelle dimension. She is self-controlling intelligent, that is like a computer it is targeted and effectively to the problem areas in our person - one is that it brings.
The awakening of the Kundalini is spontaneous and effortless. Only our pure desire for it and a small amount of self confidence it will require.

When the Kundalini through the central channel (Sushumna-Nadi) rises, it illuminates the chakras, and immediately begin its healing and beneficial work on it. They lit this, our attention (in the liver), our spirit (heart) and our consciousness (the brain). She then passes through the top chakra (Sahasrara), the crown of the head, out of and gives us so our yoga, connecting with the absolute Spirit, the divine. This process is called self-realization. Each seeker of truth can get it today.

The completion of the self / cool breeze of the Holy Spirit
Self-realization have received at all times individuals, as some are already self-realized souls were born. Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi has in turn brought a very simple method of self-realization among the people. And so have gotten in the past 30 years, many seekers of truth in the presence of Sri Mataji, or just photos of their their self-realization.

At regular Sahaja Yoga programs , introduction and meditation evenings meeting can (r) those interested in easy and effortless meditation spontaneous Kundalini awakening and self-realization and even make any of the results for yourself.

Usually, the risen Kundalini can be felt immediately after the meditation as a cool breeze over the crest and on the hands. This phenomenon was called in the tradition "Paramchaitanya" or "cool breeze of the Holy Spirit." It is associated with a state of inner peace, integration and freedom of thought. When Kundalini opens the heart chakra, also the joy of the Spirit can be felt.
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