Sahaja Yoga

Founded in 1970 by Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi
shri mataji irelandSahaja Yoga was founded in 1970 by Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi and has been taught. It provides a unique method for obtaining the self-towards developing "Sahaja Yoga is a Sanskrit term," Sahaja means "spontaneous, innate" and "Yoga" literally means "yoke", which in Indian tradition, the connection with symbolizes the divine.
Spontaneous and gentle Erweckug Kundalini
meditating yogieThe tools of yoga is already present in every human being: a subtle system of energy centers (called chakras) and channels (called nadis) as the basis of our finest central nervous system. 
The yoga tradition has said that "enlightenment" is an operation which takes place on the subtle instrument: a revival of a legendary power, Kundalini called the components of the subtle system, chakras and nadis, energy stimulates and supplies, and ultimately our individual self with the absolute self-connects, so the yoga produces a permanent state. This process of "enlightenment" is also called self-realization.
Sri Mataji Sahaja Yoga has a method for awakening of kundalini energy created, the simple and direct way to access a world to allow that and difficult to achieve than was previously complicated.
By an initial meditation, the Kundalini, which is considered the ur-mother, supplying and healing power, in principle, every person who cherishes the pure desire for this experience to be awakened and established. The full establishment of the rising Kundalini leads him into a man in the state of self-realization, in which a person can remain permanently with minimal care and attention.
Yoga: The connection with the Divine
shri budhaThe "yoke" which is about to connect people with the divine, yoga is therefore, understood in the literature both as a path as a target as well as a method. 
Yoga as a way to understand is, to regard one's own life as a path of improvement and development and development of what our subtle mind-nature (the "Spirit") is beneficial, and work on what becomes destructive of their proves to devote. 

Yoga to be understood as an objective means, the fixed, permanent and irreversible connection with the divine, we can also say that the spirit, pure spirit, the Absolute, to strive, as a destination just for this life. 
Yoga regarded as a method is, to understand that the instruments we need to track and target as described above, is already within us itself, and that the art of life is to make this potential arable and learn to use it in the right way. 

Sri Mataji Sahaja Yoga has revived the old classical yoga tradition in a new and provided with a spontaneous and creative component. Task of Sahaja Yoga is a path, goal and method of the yoga tradition to make a simple way to experience and an integral part of their life cycle will allow.
This requires an initial operation that has long been known but whose experience in tradition has been considered very difficult, however, the: Kundalini awakening and self realization.
Self-realization, freedom of thought and inner peace
shri mataji flowerThe state of self-realization possible for the first full meditation that is, inner peace and deep-felt connection to the Spirit noticeable as freedom of thought and a different quality and sustainable direction can give our life. The established Kundalini develops spontaneously and automatically for nurturing and healing force in our bodies and in our psyche, and since then has worked in our balance.
In summary, to say that Sahaja Yoga by an initial meditation, taught the will of Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi, can produce in principle all people the revival and establishment of well-known as a healing and spiritually beneficial kundalini energy, which in turn, once fully activated, the state of self-realization leads to that condition, said of the one that only he a man into yoga, in connection with the divine (or Spirit) guide can.

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